Santa Cruz Log Car
This skeleton log car is one of Hartford Products outstanding 1:20.3 kits, and the first I purchased and built. It's also the second piece of rolling stock acquired by the SCLCo, after scratchbuilt boxcar #301. Actually, it was the purchase of this kit that inspired the name of the railroad. The first (and at the time, only), piece of motive power I owned was the Bachmann Climax, and what with my space constraints and small radii curves, a logging line was a natural. To top it off, the real SCLCo was right in my neck of the woods, being about on to one-and-one-half hours southwest of my home, so it was also a natural. So, the Santa Cruz Lumber Company it became!
Here's an overall photo of the log car, without the logs.
A shot over the business end, showing the brake and
fully-sprung link-and-pin coupler detail, as well as the unique
log bunks.
The incredible detail of Hartford
Products Carter Brothers Swing Motion
Trucks! This is what Large Scale is all about!
Hauling a load of logs. While it seems uncertain as to
how the bunks were actually employed, I made my best guess. The
logs are from a large Juniper which grows in front of the company
I work for (I went down there on a Saturday with a saw - hehehe),
and the chains and hooks are from Ozark Miniatures.